Sunday, September 6, 2009

Nightie night, Ida

And the elfin said to the big red frog, "But I'm so very small and my feet are cold".
The frog said, "Now there, where have you spent your night?".
The elfin felt like between now and last night, she had lived through too many adventures to remember... "I spent the night in a crystal, full of streams of light, able to see really far."
"Did you see all the way to my swamp house?", asked the frog.
What a strange question, thought the elfin, why would she want to watch half-hibernating frogs in the dark marsh by the pond? "I saw much further", answered the elfin, "I saw the world unfold in cycles of prism light, sprouting and withering. Time seemed to move really fast, but stand completely still. I saw past friends and friends waiting for the pleasure of acquaintance."
The frog felt like she had known this curious little elfin for a very long time, but just realized that these were the first moments they'd actually shared. "I am pleased to make your acquaintance."

"How warm I feel", smiled the little elfin.

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